Carousel Component
The Carousel component is based on the Bootstrap carousel and looks alike.
Identical to Gallery you need to register relations or pass elements manually via the elements()
use Czernika\OrchidImages\Screen\Components\Carousel;
The options differ from Gallery; it does not accept layout parameters such as columns
- there is only one slide per view but it accepts some options from the Bootstrap Carousel API.
Control elements
You may use control buttons (prev-next slide) or indicators (bullets) with next methods:
Carousel::make('') ->withControls() ->withIndicators(),
Fit property
Empty value
See element for Gallery.
You can specify the height of the gallery. By default, it stretches as much as the highest image in the carousel.
Carousel::make('') ->height(400), // carousel and every slide within will have 400px height
Accepts any valid CSS units as a string
Carousel::make('') ->height('50vh'),
If you wish to use fade animation use the fade()
Carousel::make('') ->fade(),
Combine with Lightbox
By default, you cannot zoom image in a carousel. But if you wish, you may combine it with lightbox.
Carousel::make('') ->withLightbox(),
This will allow you to convert simple Carousel into a Carousel with Lightbox, where every image can be opened in gallery mode.
Specify the interval between slide changes in milliseconds.
Carousel::make('') ->delay(10000) // 10 seconds
Default is 5000ms (5 seconds).